Hair: TRUTH HAIR Focus - Truth Hair EVE-Shop Head: *!* EVE'olution-head-Beta #2 Body: *!* EVE-V8.4 - Pulpy Exclusive: December 13th - January 9th - .:: Designer Circle ::. - THE DISCOUNT STORE
Corset and Pants: ::: RR Twins ::: - Omega/Belleza/Maitreya and Slink Applier and Layer for classic Avatars - available in 5 colours
Hair: Magika - Drive Head: *!* EVE'olution-head-Beta #2 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Exclusive till January 3thFROST Fashion Fair
Cardigan and Dress: MOoH! - available in 5 textures - you can wear both seperatly
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Louisa Truth Hair Head: *!* EVE'olution-head-Beta #2 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Dress: GAS Laura - Mesh Body compatible with hud - 8 colours New! GAS Clothing Company Boots: [POWERS] Mesh Scarlet - Slink high - with hud - 10 textures - Exclusive: December 13th - January 9th - .:: Designer Circle ::. - THE DISCOUNT STORE
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Bernadette [Hat] - Holiday Gift - with hud Truth Hair Head: *!* EVE'olution-head-Beta #2 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Exclusive! Theme Wintertime 11 December - 3 JanuarySayCute Event Outfit: MOoH! Emily - available in 3 colours Boots: -mL- Isadora - with or without Belt
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Avena Truth Hair Head: *!* EVE'olution-head-Beta #2 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara New!:::SUGAR::: Cardigan + Pants: Hilow - Cardigan Mesh Body compatible, Pants Applier Maitreya/Slink and Belleza and layer for classic Avatars High Heel Tigh Boots - Slink/Belleza/Maitreya and Fitmesh - available in red and black
Head: Logo Alex Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Hair: TRUTH HAIR Austen - Exclusive! ~uber~ Monthly Event Top and Skirt: Sofie's Selection - with hud - 4 colours - Exclusive! Theme Wintertime 11 December - 3 January SayCute Event Booties: [hh] Florenza
Hair: rezology Flapper Head: Logo Alex Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Gloves: RE Exclusive: December 13th - January 9th - .:: Designer Circle ::. - THE DISCOUNT STORE
Jacket with Top and Jeans (black and blue Omega hud): ::JK:: Ardyn with hud for Top - 8 colours Boots: ::JK:: Nikita available in brown and black
Hair: NO.MATCH_NO.FREEDOM. Head: Logo Alex Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Jewelry: RE Top: GAS Lara - Mesh Body compatible - with hud - 12 Top colours/Cord and Seam colours - New! GAS Clothing Company
Leggings: CHD
Boots: [hh]
Hair: Magika - Sparkle Head: *!* EVE'olution-head-Beta #2 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Sweater: -mL- Ignatia Sweater - Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/Fitmesh with hud - 18 colours Exclusive! Theme Wintertime 11 December - 3 JanuarySayCute Event Jeans: GAS Jeans Rave - Mesh Body compatible - with hud - 10 Jeans colours - 4 Belt colours - made for Heels mid and high - New!GAS Clothing Company
Christmas Decoration: Construct by Cat Carfagno-Marketplace Elk - If you remove the gift-boxes it has only 0.5 li (land-impact). Together as you see it with 24 giftboxes, only 1 li. Measurement in meter is 1.60; 1.10; 1.40. Its materials-ready but you can retexure or recolor if you like. Tiny - Train with only 1 li (prim). Snowy version with giftbox and snowman included has only 2 li (prims). Its copy and modify and you can give it another color yourself. When you touch it the train drives around (script is only copy). Christmastree: only 2 li each and you get 3 different materials-ready models. Every Christmastree have animated candles with a special flame effect. They are copy and modify (script only copy) whitch allows you to change colors and even textures in edit-mode if you like. The Family Rules and the Mesh Polaroid Rope you also find at Cat's Marketplace Store
Hair: Magika Road Head: *!* EVE'olution-head-Beta #2 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Exclusive: December 13th - January 9th - .:: Designer Circle ::. - THE DISCOUNT STORE Sweater: Loordes of London-The Compression Sweater available in 5 colours Pants: FurtaCor*Skinny Jeans::Ripped Jaguar:: - Mesh Body compatible with hud
Hair: rezology Moonbeam Head: *!* EVE'olution-head-Beta #2 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Jewelry: Baubes! by Phe Antique Bee Exclusive: December 13th - January 9th -.:: Designer Circle ::. - THE DISCOUNT STORE Sweater: GAS Sleeveless MESH Sweater Sina - Mesh Body compatible - with hud 5 colours - New!GAS Clothing Company
Legging: Coldlogic Boots: R.icielli
TRUTH HAIR Louisa Head: CATWA HEAD Jessica Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Skin: alaskametro-2.2-Rose-01 - Omega/TMP/Loudmouth/Slink/Belleza/Matreya and layer for classic Avatars - Nailpolish Huds Exclusive!alaskametro for anyBODY December 2015 Coat: -mL- Polandia Coat - Mesh Body compatible with hud - 8 colours - Exclusive! Theme Wintertime 11 December - 3 January SayCute Event
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Ximena Truth Hair Head: Logo Alex
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Exclusive: December 13th - January 9th - .:: Designer Circle ::. - THE DISCOUNT STORE Jewelry: !IT! - Sophistication - Set 1 - with colour hud Dress: ::: VInc. ::: One Shoulder Dress "Mackenzie" - available in 5 colours
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Sicily - New! Truth Hair Head: *!* EVE'olution-head-Beta #2 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara Skin: Lumae Dress: GAS Woolen MESH Dress Daisy - Mesh Body compatible - with hud - 5 colours - New! GAS Clothing Company
Socks: MOoH! Socks - Cool - Mesh Body and Slink feet compatible - with hud - 4 colours - Exclusive: December 13th - January 9th - .:: Designer Circle ::. - THE DISCOUNT STORE